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Creating, disseminating and celebrating Yuri in anime and manga since 2000

“Tokyo Love ~ Rica ‘tte Kanji!?” named a “Best Manga for Grownups” at Comic-Con

We like to think that it wasn’t just because we’re friends with most of the panelists at San Diego Comic-Con’s 2013 “Best and Worst Manga” Panel, that our own Tokyo Love ~ Rica ‘tte Kanji!? was included on the list of “Best Manga for Grownups.” ^_^

Experience Rica Takashima’s look at lesbian life and love in Tokyo in the 1990s for yourself. Read Tokyo Love ~ Rica ‘tte Kanji!? for free, legally online! Enjoy!

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2 Responses

  1. ToothChange says:

    You heard of this manhua (chinese comic) before? It has yuri in it as part of story tho that’s not exactly the main focus.
    This is the title:拜见女皇陛下 (All Hail Empress Her Majesty)

    It’s worth checking out. there are translations online

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