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Yuricon Art Contest – Every Day is a Celebration at Yuricon

Yuricon mascots Yuriko and Midori by MerisusanThere are so many things to celebrate here at Yuricon. We’ve passed our first 10th anniversary, Yuri is more popular than ever, we’ve got a great new website, spring is here….etc., etc..

But what really means most to us is that we take every day and celebrate the small things, like being together with the ones we love. So, Yuricon Mascots Yuriko and Midori have asked for the first Yuricon Contest theme to be – Every Day is a Celebration!

Contest entries will portray Yuriko and Midori doing every day things like washing dishes, eating dinner, shopping (trying on clothes!), packing to move, whatever you think best reflects their (and by extension *our*) daily life together with the people we love.

There are no limits on image size or format, but be mindful of the fact that  images will be viewed on a computer screen, so your 4′ mosaic masterpiece may not be worth the effort. ^_^ (On the other hand, if you really do a 4′ mosaic of Yuriko and Midori, it’ll be a shoo-in for a prize!)

To motivate you, Yuriko and Midori have picked a few of their favorite images from the Fan Art Gallery: Check them out on Flickr!

Contest Submission Rules:

–  All entries become the property of Yuricon & ALC Publishing.

– Entries will be accepted until June 30, 2011. Winners will be announced asap after that.

– All entries should be sent to yuricon@gmail.com with the subject heading  “Everyday is a Celebration at Yuricon”. Do not send it with the subject “Art Contest” or something else. This step is a test to see if you read the rules. (^_^);;

– Please, no “adult” pictures this time. We’re looking for “putting up curtains” as opposed to bed scenes.

– Winners will be determined by judges’ whims. There may be one winner, there may be many.

– All Entries will be included on the Yuriko and Friends Fan Art Gallery.

– Entries MUST include the following information:

Name You Want Us To Use to Address You (Don’t put “Sarah” when you want us to call you “Lil Monster.” Or vice versa)

Current Contact Information. Email is fine, just make sure you actually check it and respond to it.

Your Age. This is really important. You may not enter if you are younger than 13.


That’s all there is to it – now it’s up to you to show us how every day with Yuriko and Midori is a celebration!

Related Images:

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